
Lesson 12:

Introduction to struct types and how to use it in your smart contracts.

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Structs are custom defined types that can group several variables.

You can define the type by creating a struct.

Structs can be declared outside of a contract and imported in another contract.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.8.24; contract Tasks { // Define a new struct type 'Task' with three fields. struct Task { string title; string description; bool done; } // Declare a dynamic array 'tasks' of 'Task' structs. Task[] public tasks; // Add a new task to the 'tasks' array. function addTask(string calldata _title, string calldata _description) public { // Create a new temporary 'Task' object in memory. Task memory newTask; newTask.title = _title; newTask.description = _description; newTask.done = false; // Add the 'newTask' into the 'tasks' array. tasks.push(newTask); } // Mark a task as done. function markTaskAsDone(uint256 _index) public { // Get a reference to the task in the 'tasks' array using the '_index'. Task storage task = tasks[_index]; task.done = true; } // Get the details of a task. function getTask(uint256 _index) public view returns (string memory title, string memory description, bool done) { Task storage task = tasks[_index]; return (task.title, task.description, task.done); } // Update the title of a task. function updateTaskTitle(uint256 _index, string calldata _newTitle) public { Task storage task = tasks[_index]; task.title = _newTitle; // Set the new title of the task } // Update the description of a task. function updateTaskDescription(uint256 _index, string calldata _newDescription) public { Task storage task = tasks[_index]; task.description = _newDescription; } // Delete the task from the 'tasks' array using the '_index'. // Note: The 'delete' keyword in Solidity doesn't actually delete the task from the 'tasks' array, // it just sets the task at the given index to its initial default state (i.e., an empty string ("") for 'title' and 'description', and 'false' for 'done'). function deleteTask(uint256 _index) public { delete tasks[_index]; } }

Structs can also be declared and imported just like enum.

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