
Level 2

0x Swap API Challenge

Learn to use the 0x Swap API to display liquidity sources, monetize your app, and manage token taxes on Scroll.

0x Swap API Challenge

Before diving into this guide, make sure you’ve completed the How to fetch live swap prices with 0x Swap API on Scroll guide. This will give you a solid understanding of fetching swap quotes and prepare you for the tasks ahead.

In this challenge, you'll explore advanced features of the 0x Swap API, including displaying swap breakdowns, handling buy/sell token taxes, and monetizing your app. By the end, you’ll be able to use these features to enhance your trading experience.

Let's get started! 💪


You will:

  1. Display the percentage breakdown of liquidity sources
  2. Monetize your app with affiliate fees and surplus collection
  3. Display buy/sell taxes for tokens with taxes
  4. Find all sources of liquidity on Scroll


0. Get Starter Code

Fork this code repository:

You will need to build on top of this code to complete the following tasks.

1. Display Percentage Breakdown of Liquidity Sources

The 0x Swap API uses smart order routing to find the best price and execution path, often splitting trades across multiple sources and identifying intermediate tokens for deeper liquidity.

Often the direct route for a swap isn't always the best price. 0x Swap API uses smart order routing to deliver the best price and optimal execution path by using multiplexing (splitting a trade across multiple sources) and multihopping (identifying intermediate token steps which open up deeper liquidity).

order route screenshot

0x routes to find the best liquidity sources for a swap through both on-chain and off-chain sources. You can use the API response data to display a Sankey diagram that visualizes the routes like the one from for a swap of WETH to USDC.

Task 1

Use the route response parameter returned by the /swap/permit2/quote endpoint to show users a percentage breakdwon of where their swap liquidity comes from.

For example, if this is the route object returned, it shows that the swap is executed using 50% liquidity from Ambient and 50% from Nuri,

"route": { "fills": [ { from": "0x5300000000000000000000000000000000000004", "to": "0x06efdbff2a14a7c8e15944d1f4a48f9f95f663a4", "source": "Ambient", "proportionBps": "5000" }, { from": "0x06efdbff2a14a7c8e15944d1f4a48f9f95f663a4", "to": "0xf610a9dfb7c89644979b4a0f27063e9e7d7cda32", "source": "Nuri_CL", "proportionBps": "5000" },

Then for this quote, the app should print:

2 Sources
Ambient: 50%
Nuri_CL: 50%

2. Monetize Your App

The 0x Swap API allows you to monetize your app through:

Read how to implement these two monetization options.

Task 2

Add the required query parameters to your /quote request to enable affiliate fees and trade surplus collection.

3. Display Buy/Sell Token Tax

Some tokens have buy or sell taxes that affect the final swap amount. Fetch and display this information in your app to inform users about any potential taxes before completing a trade.

Use the tokenMetadata object returned in the /price and /quote endpoints. This object contains the buy/sell tax information for the tokens involved in the swap.

Read how to implement buy/sell tax support.

Task 3

Use the tokenMetadata response parameter returned by the /swap/permit2/quote endpoint to display the buy/sell tax information if the token has it.

For example, if the buyToken has a 200bps buy tax,

"tokenMetadata": { "buyToken": { "buyTaxBps": "200", "sellTaxBps": "147" }, "sellToken": { "buyTaxBps": "0", "sellTaxBps": "0" } },

The app should print:

Buy Token Buy Tax: 0.20%

4. Find All Sources of Liquidity on Scroll

The 0x Swap API aggregates liquidity from multiple decentralized exchanges (DEXs) and other sources on the Scroll chain.

The /sources endpoint can be used to get a list of supported supporces for a specific chain. Read more about how to query the /sources endpoint.

Task 4

Retrieve and display a list of all the available liquidity sources on the Scroll chain.

The app should print:

Liquidity sources for Scroll chain:

Learn More

Congratulations on exploring advanced features of the 0x Swap API on Scroll!

Check out these starter projects to dive deeper:

If you found this content helpful, please share it and tag @0xproject and the author @hey_its_jlin on X!

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